All about OKRs with Bart

In this episode of Le Podcast, I had the pleasure of discussing Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) with Bart den Haak. Bart is a Software Engineer who fell in love with OKRs at a startup more than 10 years ago. He has continued to use OKRs since then and he is now advising companies on how to use them.

In a previous episode, I shared an approach to creating great goals using OKRs and Impact Mapping. Get ready to learn more!

In this episode, we covered:

  • What are OKRs?
  • What are the main differences with other goal approaches (balanced scorecard, Hoshin Kanri, MBOs, 4DX…)?
  • Who can use OKRs? (organizations, teams, or individuals?)
  • Where to start?
  • What are the critical aspects of pushing you out of your comfort zone in your learning zone while avoiding the danger zone?
  • What are the common pitfalls?

Bart’s approach resonates really well with me. You will easily make the connection if you read Changing Your Team From The Inside, or my next book I am a Software Engineer and I am in Charge: The book that helps increase your impact and satisfaction at work.

Speaking about books, Bart is currently working on a book, I will keep you updated on that!

More about Bart:

Le Podcast – Season Two

Le Podcast – Season One