Tag: OKRs

  • Impact Mapping

    Impact Mapping

    Making a Big Impact with Software Products and Projects by Gojko Adzic Software is everywhere today, but countless software products and projects die a slow death without ever making any impact. The result is a tremendous amount of time and money wasted due to wrong assumptions, lack of focus, poor communication of objectives, lack of…

  • Write Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

    Write Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

    What is it? Objectives and Key Results is a goal-setting approach that focuses attention on the impact you want to have. The impact is characterized by a behavioral change that the people involved will adopt so that you can reach your objectives and fulfill your aspirational vision. Why use it? Reaching aspirational goals takes time.…

  • Resolution for the Exhausted

    Resolution for the Exhausted

    What seemed to be a long time ago, I started my first post of the year by telling you that I opened a Gym Club in January and told you what happened to that club in February. More important, you will find in the post mentioned above suggestion to keep up with your resolutions. The…

  • Radical Focus with Christina Wodtke

    Radical Focus with Christina Wodtke

    In that episode of Le Podcast, I had the great pleasure to receive Christina Wodtke. Christina is an author, lecturer at Stanford, and speaker who teaches techniques to create high performing teams.

  • All about OKRs with Bart

    All about OKRs with Bart

    In this episode of Le Podcast, I had the pleasure of discussing Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) with Bart den Haak. Bart is a Software Engineer who fell in love with OKRs at a startup more than 10 years ago. He has continued to use OKRs since then and he is now advising companies on…

  • Coming to terms with terms – Michael DeLanzo

    Coming to terms with terms – Michael DeLanzo

    In this episode of Le Podcast, I had the great pleasure to receive Michael DeLanzo to discuss the importance of coming to terms with terms. Michael and I met at a Boston Spin event when I gave a talk: The Change Starts Here. You can find more about speaking engagement here. What precipitated the idea…

  • How to create great goals?

    How to create great goals?

    In today’s episode, I will answer one questions I have been asked several times over the past weeks: How to create great goals?

  • OKRs! OK What?

    OKRs! OK What?

    OKRs! OK, What? Joseph Contreras, Scrum Master at Fidelity, proposed this Open Space session on the third day of Agile Games 2019. Joseph invited the participants to contribute to a short presentation of what Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) are. In a nutshell, Objectives are where we want to go, and Key Results tell us…

  • Time flies and I wanted to tell you a few things about success

    Time flies and I wanted to tell you a few things about success

    One of the last chapters of Changing Your Team From The Inside is about success. Specifically about measuring success. In that chapter, I relate how a team started to adopt OKRs. While I was reviewing that chapter, John Doerr published Measure What Matters, and I rushed to read the book as I wanted to check…

  • How to measure our life?

    How to measure our life?

    A colleague recommended me to look at the work of Clayton Christensen. This is an article to encourage you to do the same. We are living in a nested system. In the world, there are nations, and in nations, there are corporations. In corporations, there are business unit, in which there are teams. And in…