Tag: changing your team

  • Another book discussion club

    Another book discussion club

    I believe I already told you a lot about the benefit of participating or facilitating a book discussion club. Last week, I received in a tweet another proof of that. I was amazed by the quality of the visualization the people from the book discussion club at Conserto came up with. Sebastien tweeted the visualization…

  • Version 2 of the book is available

    Version 2 of the book is available

    It took a few month to get to the second version of the book, Changing Your Team From The Inside. The paperback version is available on Lulu and the electronic version is on Leanpub. The new version of the book will be available on Amazon in a few days, keep in mind that Amazon takes…

  • Could your team be managing itself?

    Could your team be managing itself?

    “Self-organization” and “management” aren’t mutually exclusive. But we’ll need to rethink the role of the manager if we’re planning to build adaptable teams.

  • The Story Behind The Book

    The Story Behind The Book

    Earlier this week, I announced the availability of the first edition of Changing Your Team From The Inside. I said in that post that I would tell you the story behind the book. Back in 2013, I started to think about writing a book about the connection between agile and open source values, principles, practices,…

  • The First Edition Is Available

    The first edition of Changing Your Team From The Inside is available! Check-out which version is the right one for you! Thank you very much for your support along the way. What I feel today is quite complex. At the same time, I am happy with a sense of accomplishment, AND, I am worried that…

  • Great! You asked for more “versions” than expected!

    Great! You asked for more “versions” than expected!

    Thank you to the subscribers to the mailing-list! I appreciate your support! All the subscribers to the mailing list, before the launch, will receive a 25 % discount on all versions of the book. So please, continue to share with your friends and colleagues! I am making good progress in finishing the book. The reviewers…

  • Mailing List Subscribers to receive a 25 % discount on all versions of the book!

    Mailing List Subscribers to receive a 25 % discount on all versions of the book!

    First of all, I would like to thank the subscriber to the mailing-list! I really appreciate your support! I am happy to announce that all the subscribers to the mailing list, before the launch, will receive a 25 % discount on all versions of the book. I know that this offer leads to two questions.…

  • Changing Your Team From The Inside @DevConf.CZ

    Changing Your Team From The Inside @DevConf.CZ

    I gave a talk today at DevConf in Brno about Changing Your Team From The Inside. The recording is below, and you can follow that link to the slides. Thank you for all the great feedback.    

  • The Great Dinner Party

    The Great Dinner Party

    You are hosting a dinner party in 8 weeks from now, and you wonder how to make it a great dinner party for you and your guests. First, what is the meaning of “great” for you in that context? If the party is a success what will happen? The answer could be: the guests will…