Celebrating the First Season!

Yay! The first season of Le Podcast comes to an end! It is time to celebrate and thank the guests and the listeners!

Season One is composed of 15 episodes covering leadership and team building. The top 3 (in terms of audience, I love them all equally 🙂 ) is:

  1. Do you want 10x Engineers? with Julien Danjou
  2. All about OKRs with Bart with Bart den Haak
  3. Grow your Software Engineering Career with Emilien Macchi

A big thank you to all the guests!

  • Emilien Macchi
  • Jason McKerr
  • Bart den Haak
  • Julien Danjou
  • John Poelstra
  • Michael Doyle
  • Michael DeLanzo
  • Frank Jansen
  • Jerome Bourgeon
  • Michael Reid
  • Valentin Yonchev
  • Matt Takane

Another big thank you to all the listeners!

Now it is time for me to prepare Season Two with even more book authors, conference speakers and people who inspire better ways of leading and building a better world. (Yes! You can still send me suggestions!)