Going Open – Closing Keynote

On May 31, 2019, I had the pleasure to deliver the closing keynote of Voxxed Days Singapore: Going Open!

Thank you to all the participants and organizers for a fantastic event!

I had the opportunity to sign my book, Changing Your Team From The Inside on the Red Hat booth, and to meet great people!

The title of the talk is Going Open to Support Your Digital Transformation, the slides are available here and I will update the post as soon as the recording is available.


The pitch of the talk: “Do you feel your organization, your team, and yourself are focusing on the right things or are you overwhelmed by the thousands of tasks that you need to do? What do you need to get your organization, your team, and yourself to continuously improve to get to the point of doing the things right? Going open is the best way to support your organization’s digital transformation. Going open is applying the principles of the open organization. Open is the antidote of the lack of focus and the lack of continuous learnings that is ailing organizations today. What are the differences between a centralized organization and an open organization? Learning about these differences can help you advance your objectives in your digital transformation. The open source development model is the root of the Open Organization. The diversity the open source model brings is an endless source of inspiration to transform your organization–and this is what this session will expose.”




One response to “Going Open – Closing Keynote”

  1. […] had the great pleasure to deliver the closing keynote of Voxxed Days Singapore. During the talk, Going Open, I introduced Douglas McGregor theories on human motivation and management that he developed at the […]