Tag: leadership

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

    Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

    In this episode of Le Podcast, I had the pleasure to receive Ally Kouao, Developer Advocate and Solution Architect at Red Hat. We discussed Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).

  • Can Software Teams learn from Sporting Teams?

    Can Software Teams learn from Sporting Teams?

    I had the pleasure to have Chris Foley with me to explore the question. Chris is a Principal Systems Design Engineer at Red Hat and a sports coach.

  • Another book discussion club

    Another book discussion club

    I believe I already told you a lot about the benefit of participating or facilitating a book discussion club. Last week, I received in a tweet another proof of that. I was amazed by the quality of the visualization the people from the book discussion club at Conserto came up with. Sebastien tweeted the visualization…

  • Chief of Staff Academy

    Chief of Staff Academy

    A few weeks back, I attended McChrystal Group Chief of Staff Virtual Academy. I was looking to stretch my thinking to further grow in the role. Since then, I keep a copy of the Chief of Staff four quadrants on my desk to remind me where the focus should be depending on the topic, and…

  • It is not Customer-First, it is Customer-Centered

    It is not Customer-First, it is Customer-Centered

    Who wouldn’t dream of being in a People First company? A lot made it a philosophy like Vineet Nayar, the celebrated CEO of HCL Technologies, recounting in his book Employees First, Customers Second: Turning Conventional Management Upside Down. Being a People-First company is adopting the posture of a servant leader, as described by Robert K.…

  • The 10 rules of Alan Mulally

    The 10 rules of Alan Mulally

    American Icon: Alan Mulally and the Fight to Save Ford Motor Company by Bryce G. Hoffman is an amazing book. The New York Times said about it: A compelling narrative that reads more like a thriller than a business book. I could not have said it better! I posted a while back a quote from…

  • Human-Centric Agility Coaching

    Human-Centric Agility Coaching

    Geof Ellingham, Business agility champion and leadership coach, gave his insights about Agile Coaching in this new episode of Le Podcast.

  • The Job of an Open Leader – Preethi Thomas

    The Job of an Open Leader – Preethi Thomas

    Preethi Thomas, Software Engineering Manager at Red Hat, joined for this episode of Le Podcast to give her insights about the job of an Open Leader.

  • The 4 BEPS Axes of a Leader

    The 4 BEPS Axes of a Leader

    The 4 axes of a leader emerged from conversations in which I was trying to explain what a manager is not expected to do. The attempts to tell people that they should not split the work items, or distribute the work between the team members were leading to a lot of incomprehension. With the help…

  • The Motive

    The Motive

    Why so many leaders abdicate their most important responsibilities? The sentence above is the subtitle of The Motive, a book by Patrick Lencioni, the famous author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team and The Advantage. The first part of the book is a business fable. If you read I am a Software Engineer and…

  • Jason’s Thirteen Rules of a Team

    Jason’s Thirteen Rules of a Team

    In this episode of Le Podcast, I had the great pleasure of receiving Jason McKerr. Jason is the Engineering leader for Management and Automation at Red Hat (great things like Ansible, Insights, Satellite…) My objective was to have Jason explain his Thirteen Rules of a Team which I discovered during one mentoring session with one…

  • Theory X and Theory Y

    Theory X and Theory Y

    I had the great pleasure to deliver the closing keynote of Voxxed Days Singapore. During the talk, Going Open, I introduced Douglas McGregor theories on human motivation and management that he developed at the MIT Sloan School of Management  in 1957. The assumption in Theory X is that workers are lazy; they dislike and don’t…