Tag: happiness

  • The Best Possible Self

    The Best Possible Self

    What is it? The Best Possible Self is an exercise to clarify your goals. Why use it? Research shows that building optimism about the future motivates you to work toward that desired future. Steps First prepare a visible calendar with five checkboxes representing the next five days. For each day that you accomplish the assignment,…

  • Happy or not?

    Happy or not?

    Tracking the mood of the team is something that agile practitioners are doing for quite a long time. For example, in 2006, Akinori Sakata, explained in this article the use of Niko-niko calendar. The idea is to tighten the feedback loop, and to detect problems even before they become really conscious to an individual, or…

  • What science knows about happiness that could tranform OpenStack

    What science knows about happiness that could tranform OpenStack

    A short article to publish the video recording and the slides of the talk I gave today at the OpenStack summit in Austin.     Header picture is from Ryan McGuire.

  • The Search for Happiness

    The Search for Happiness

    During the past days, I had the opportunity to give two conferences. One in Raleigh, North Carolina, on October 20, 2015, for the Red Hat Agile Day. The other, in Bordeaux, France, for the closing keynote of AgileTour Bordeaux, on October 30, 2015. I adapted the content according to the feedback received after my opening…

  • World Happiness Day

    World Happiness Day

    March 20th, it is World Happiness Day. I am writing this short post listening to Happiness Sounds Like playlist. What recommandation for this day? Maybe follow some of the suggestions of The Year of Happy and learn things about happiness that can surprise you? Or maybe follow on your pace the UC Berkeley course about…

  • The Science of Happiness

    The Science of Happiness

    The Science of Happiness is presented as the first MOOC to teach positive psychology. An opportunity to learn science-based principles and practices for a happy, meaningful life. I announced this in this previous article about The Happiness Advantage, I followed the ten-week course on edx.org until last week. The most important finding, according to me,…

  • The Happiness Advantage

    The Happiness Advantage

    The Happiness Advantage is a book from Shawn Achor describing the seven principles that fuel success and performance at work and in life in general. The main idea of positive psychology is that happiness comes before success. What are those 7 principles: The Happiness Advantage. Training ourselves to focus on the positive boost our performance…