Alexis Monville (en)

Category: General

  • Happy holidays

    Happy holidays

    I guess that a lot of you are getting ready for the upcoming holidays. I wish you will have some good time with your families and friends. Six months after the first publication of Changing Your Team From The Inside, I counted the published versions. There are 14 versions of the book published so far.…

  • Discovery One on One

    Discovery One on One

    I chose to end all the chapters of my book, Changing Your Team From The Inside, with a section titled “Summary and Action”. The goal of those sections is to give you keys to act immediately on your environment. I regularly received feedback about how great it was to have exercises to practice directly and…

  • Time flies and I wanted to tell you a few things about success

    Time flies and I wanted to tell you a few things about success

    One of the last chapters of Changing Your Team From The Inside is about success. Specifically about measuring success. In that chapter, I relate how a team started to adopt OKRs. While I was reviewing that chapter, John Doerr published Measure What Matters, and I rushed to read the book as I wanted to check…

  • Could your team be managing itself?

    Could your team be managing itself?

    “Self-organization” and “management” aren’t mutually exclusive. But we’ll need to rethink the role of the manager if we’re planning to build adaptable teams.

  • The top requirement for high-impact teams

    The top requirement for high-impact teams

    Performance depends on making sure everyone knows what needs to be done.

  • Product Management and Engineering Collaboration

    Product Management and Engineering Collaboration

    The Boston Product Management Association hosted a meetup at HubSpot yesterday about the collaboration between Product Management and Engineering. Chatting with a few people before the start of the event, it sounded like there was a need for a productive tension between the two roles. Here are a few notes from the discussion about that…

  • Collaboration Superpowers Podcast

    Collaboration Superpowers Podcast

    I enjoyed the interview with Lisette Sutherland for the Collaboration Superpowers Podcast. The focus of Lisette is on collaboration between people working remotely. She has a ton of ideas on how to make remote work successful. Lisette is the author of a great book: Work Together Anywhere: A Handbook on Working Remotely—Successfully—for Individuals, Teams, and…

  • The Matrix of Principles

    The Matrix of Principles

    The Matrix of Principles is a reflection tool to capture how stakeholders understand Deming’s 14 Management Principles. Reflecting on the management principles enables the team to share their beliefs on management, to share their views on where the organization is, and to identify areas for improvement. Follow the few steps below Take a blank sheet…

  • On The John Poelstra Show!

    On The John Poelstra Show!

    I was on The John Poelstra Show last week, and as John said: It was a great conversation. John is energetic and supportive, and I enjoyed the way he guided the conversation. One part, I really enjoyed, was the transition he made between his question about waterfall project management and the reference to the book…

  • Back to School

    For a lot of people, September means that we are back to school! Or maybe that we are not in school anymore, and so we need to take care of our learning path. I learned a lot from your feedback on Changing Your Team From The Inside. Keep that coming! It is very useful! I…