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Pivoting Forward: The Birth of Our Vision

By Alexis Monville & Jeremie Benazra

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” This ancient wisdom resonates deeply through the cycles of life, reminding us how impactful the understanding and embracing of endings is to welcome new chapters truly.

So, what does it take to pause and reflect meaningfully at the closing of a chapter? Just writing a summary or takeaway? What is available currently to help us have a powerful insight to take to the next chapter? How is it related? What do we really leave behind or run away from? 

In our individual interactions and experiences, we’ve been easily caught in the tapestry of human behavior. Time and again, we could notice a distinct pattern. While there’s an abundance of guidance on starting afresh, finding the new shiny thing, climbing the corporate ladder, or handling workplace conflicts, there needs to be more dialogue on a fundamental aspect of our professional journey: the ending.

So, why would acknowledging the end be so vital? The essence of it is simple yet impactful. Proper closures lead to authentic new beginnings. A hasty or unclear conclusion can often leave behind a trail of unresolved feelings and doubts and hinder commitment to new ventures. In contrast, a well-navigated closure can usher in clarity, contentment, and renewed purpose.

During one of our personal explorations, we chanced upon Daphne Rose Kingma’s remarkable book, “Coming Apart: Why Relationships End and How to Live Through the Ending of Yours.” While its primary focus was on personal relationships, the depth of its insights is undeniable. Like passing through a door, which place are we going away from, what does passing the door mean for us, and where to?

From Daphne’s work, we can understand that we look for a new identity once a personal achievement is completed. Seeking new relationships and new horizons is our way to find new personal tasks to complete for this new identity to take shape. So, what do we want to step away from, and what are we really seeking for? Since our workplaces’ perception is established with the relationship we entertain, how can we use this treasure trove of wisdom in the domain of professional life?

The challenge was evident. Adapting a deeply personal narrative to the structured realm of professions isn’t straightforward. But our shared mission is clear: to equip individuals with the insights and tools to transition through career endings with grace, insight, and resilience.

And so, our guide, “Pivoting Forward: Understanding Career Endings and Preparing for New Beginnings,” came to life. More than just a reinterpretation of Kingma’s work, it’s our sincere attempt to bridge the personal with the professional, recognizing that our careers, akin to our personal relationships, form an integral part of who we are and see ourselves.

In “Pivoting Forward,” we offer an insightful compass to help navigate the intricate journey of closing a meaningful chapter. We believe that with the appropriate perspectives and insights, every conclusion can pave the way for a brighter, more aligned future.

In wrapping up, every groundbreaking vision sprouts from keen observation, empathy, and a desire to effect change. “Pivoting Forward” is a testament to this belief. Through this guide, we hope to shine a light on one of life’s most underrepresented yet profound transitions, offering a hand to those on the brink of a new professional dawn.

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