Tag: pair à pair

  • Assess Me If You Can

    Assess Me If You Can

    A friend asked some help with an HR assessment spreadsheet he had to fill in. This spreadsheet was intended to prepare the budget for next year raises and bonuses. In one of the columns, he must write if the person was underachieving (C), on average (B), or above average (A). He obtained the following result:…

  • 360°


    I am currently studying solutions around skills development and assessment. Doing this, I found SurveyReport. Video presentation is very attractive. I decided to test the solution because of the peer to peer review. My first intent was to send the survey to one of my contacts to obtain his feedbacks. Mishandling (yes… I am very…

  • Intelligence aux extrémités

    Cette interview, « Tout le monde a intérêt à transformer Internet en Minitel », de Benjamin Bayart, président de FDN (French Data Network), le plus vieux fournisseur d’accès Internet français publié dans Ecrans le 6 février 2009 que je vous recommande me rappelle une discussion en marge du dernier barcamp e-reputation… Discussion avec un fabriquant de box…