Tag: change

  • The Origins of the BEPS Navigator

    The Origins of the BEPS Navigator

    Navigating the bustling corridors of a 300-strong cloud infrastructure team, I witnessed firsthand the complexities and challenges of a large-scale software development setup. The traditional organization with its neatly partitioned functions – product management, software engineering, quality assurance, and the like – seemed efficient on paper, but it was far from optimal. We brought together…

  • The Anatomy of Peace

    The Anatomy of Peace

    In this episode of Le Podcast, John Poelstra and I had a conversation about the book The Anatomy of Peace. John recommended the book in our previous conversation on how (not) to provide feedback. I read it twice and fell in love with it. John mentioned that in Changing Your Team From The Inside, I…

  • Theory X and Theory Y

    Theory X and Theory Y

    I had the great pleasure to deliver the closing keynote of Voxxed Days Singapore. During the talk, Going Open, I introduced Douglas McGregor theories on human motivation and management that he developed at the MIT Sloan School of Management  in 1957. The assumption in Theory X is that workers are lazy; they dislike and don’t…

  • Can we be offended by change?

    Can we be offended by change?

    I woke up one morning, and there was a heated conversation on my favorite mailing-list. Someone had made a point that for the annual donation, and among other possible charities, we should pick Sandy Hook Promise. Sandy Hook Promise (SHP) trains students and adults to know the signs of gun violence. SHP develops and delivers…

  • What Spectre and Meltdown teach us about change.

    What Spectre and Meltdown teach us about change.

    Spectre and Meltdown are among the famous microprocessors vulnerabilities. Researchers spend their days to find those vulnerabilities in the very complex systems we build. The day before the micro-architecture workshop related by Hugh Brock in this post, he organized a lunch and learn with the speakers Daniel Gruss and Daniel Genkin, who are among the…

  • The Great Dinner Party

    The Great Dinner Party

    You are hosting a dinner party in 8 weeks from now, and you wonder how to make it a great dinner party for you and your guests. First, what is the meaning of “great” for you in that context? If the party is a success what will happen? The answer could be: the guests will…

  • How to start when managers are stuck in uncertainty and fear

    How to start when managers are stuck in uncertainty and fear

    How to start when managers are stuck in uncertainty and fea? That was the question I asked to my peers that participate to the Happy Melly Coffee. This was the first day I was able to participate to the Happy Melly Coffee since when I moved to Boston. Uncertainty and Fear were the main questions.…

  • Changer le monde ?

    Changer le monde ?

    J’avais cet ouvrage dans ma liste de lecture depuis assez longtemps, mais… Bref, j’ai profité qu’il soit disponible sur le stand des goodies de DARE13 (j’en profite que l’idée du stand commun pour tous les goodies de la conférence, ou chaque participant peut venir choisir les goodies qu’il ramènera chez lui est une excellente idée…