Alexis Monville (en)

Category: General

  • Time matter for a team

    Time matter for a team

    The fact that time matter for a team is not a controversial matter. I think we would all agree on that. The other aspect of time that we will all agree quickly on is that, not all time will matter the same way. We will not value an hour stuck in a traffic jam the…

  • How do we Communicate?

    How do we communicate is a really important question to ask when the team is up to define its Team Agreements. Valve, the game company published its Handbook for New Employees in 2012. The subtitle provides information on how their approach to communication will have to be different: A fearless adventure in knowing what to…

  • Team Awards Retrospective

    Everything is awesome, everything is cool when you are part of a team! The LEGO Movie Even if a lot of people would genuinely like to think that way, not everything is awesome when you are part of a team. The great thing about this is that it leaves room for improvements which a regular…

  • Talking to Strangers

    Talking to Strangers

    Based on a recent recommendation, I read Talking to Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell. The book was already on my reading list, as I really enjoyed his previous books. In reality, I listened to the enhanced audiobook on audible. Enhanced means that you have real interviews, and others played dialogues along with the narration by the…

  • Understanding A3 Thinking

    Understanding A3 Thinking

    Understanding A3 Thinking: A Critical Component of Toyota’s PDCA Management System is a book by Durward Sobek and Art Smalley enabling you to understand A3 thinking. The A3 report is a key tool used by Toyota in support of problem resolution. The approach enable them to solve the root causes of the problem and not…

  • Willpower is a “melting” currency

    Willpower is a “melting” currency

    This is that time of the year when we think it is a good idea to take “good resolution.” Last year, I already discussed in the article How to keep up with your 2019 resolutions, how the willpower effect will come into play when we say we will do something, and we are not. Blaming ourselves…

  • Keynoting with my wife

    Keynoting with my wife

    I had the great pleasure of giving four keynote speeches this fall. I already told you about the keynote I gave in Bordeaux for AgileTour in this post. The three others are really special to me. We did those addresses with my wife. Comment ça? Certaines de nos croyances peuvent brider notre potentiel? #ATTls19 @isabelmonville…

  • Sketchnoting Resources

    Sketchnoting Resources

    One of my colleagues noticed that I take all my notes graphically and asked me for resources on how to start. I am far from being an expert, and I am not doing as beautiful drawings as the experts will do, even if I am taking notes this way for more than ten years. Having…

  • Maybe we can love division after all

    Maybe we can love division after all

    One year and a half ago, I noticed that my daughter was using an app to improve her Spanish and her English. Of course, there is an app for that! There are even several apps! The one she was using is Duolingo. I decided to give it a try and started learning Spanish from scratch.…

  • Keynote AgileTour Bordeaux

    On October 30, 2019, I add the pleasure to deliver the keynote for AgileTour Bordeaux. I delivered the keynote titled: What is your real power? in french. The recording and the slides are already available. #atbdx C'est @alexismonville qui relance l'après-midi par une keynote — Chris DENIAUD (@ChrisDENIAUD) October 30, 2019 I also facilitated…