During my #67daysofleadership challenge, on Day 47, I shared about Three Trillion Dollar Coach. I mentioned that I want to use with my team a peer-to-peer feedback survey inspired by one used at Google and described in the book.

To give some context, my team is the one leading all engineering at Red Hat.

🤔 What are your thoughts about the adaptation?

For the past 3 months, using a 0 to 10 scale, to what extent do you disagree (0) / agree (10) that each person :

– Displayed extraordinary in-role performance.

– Exemplified world-class leadership.

– Achieved outcomes that were in the best interest of both Red Hat as a whole and his/her organization.

– Expanded the boundaries of what is possible for Red Hat through innovation and/or application of best practices.

– Collaborated effectively with peers (for example, worked well together, resolved barriers/issues with others) and championed the same in his/her team.

– Contributed effectively during team meetings (for example, was prepared, participated actively, listened well, was open and respectful to others, disagreed constructively).

Please, provide your best feedback using the text areas for the last two questions:

– What differentiates each team member and makes him/her effective today?

– What advice would you give each team member to be more effective and/or have a greater impact?

Last question for you, the reader of the post, would you favor an anonymous survey?