November in France!

Thanks to Aurélien Morvant (Kokan) I will be back in France for two weeks at the end of November. I will present a session around the book Changing Your Team From The Inside during AgileTour Rennes (November 23-24, 2018).

I already planned a few other visits to companies and organization to present the book, but as we have five months to prepare, my calendar has still a lot of openings.

I am open to present during other events, for companies or organizations.

The session could be:
– A 30-minute talk followed by Q&A,
– A 50-minute talk followed by Q&A,
– A 90-minute interactive session (for a group of 30 people max),
– Or something we could define together to fit your needs.

Please contact me if you are interested in organizing a session!