Let’s get 2018 started!

Maybe you are part of the people I know and we did not hear from each other for quite some time? As it is the beginning of the new year, it is also an excellent moment to take the resolution to let my connector-self express itself more freely.

To be able to connect you with others, I need to update my knowledge about you. I would like to know what you care about for 2018. And, yes! I wish you the best for that! And, maybe I could do a little bit more.

So, if you are interested in reconnecting after those years, drop me a note! We could do that by email, phone or video conference, or even in person if we happen to be in the same place at the same time. It could be now or later this year. When the time is ok for you, it will be ok for me.

I am working on a book, Changing Your Team From The Inside, to be released in Spring 2018. Let me know if you are interested in it by subscribing to the mailing list.

I will travel during the year to the different offices all over the world, and for conferences. The next travel will be in Brno (Czech Republic) at the end of January for DevConf, where I will give a talk. I will try to update that on my blog, Twitter, or Linkedin, hoping that it will give us an opportunity to meet in person!

I wish you a great and peaceful year!