Tag: team building

  • A tale of a leadership team workshop

    A tale of a leadership team workshop

    Day One: Coming Together For some leaders from different organizations that will merge into one in the upcoming weeks, the face-to-face meeting is the first opportunity to meet in person with each other and their new manager. Even if the three facilitators made sure to greet everyone as they entered the room, the tension was…

  • The Gift of Play with Portia Tung

    The Gift of Play with Portia Tung

    Portia Tung is an Executive & Personal Coach, an Executive Agile Coach, a Play Researcher, and a Keynote Speaker. I had the pleasure to have her on Le Podcast for an amazing episode on the gift of play.

  • Emile wants to solve consistency the open source way

    Emile wants to solve consistency the open source way

    Do you remember Igraine from the Primary Team story? Igraine leads the EMEA region of a global company. Bob, Igraine’s manager, told the Field Leadership Team that he wanted to get more consistency from the three main regions and that Igraine, leading EMEA, Yun, leading APAC, and Aileen, leading Americas, should come up with proposals.…

  • Are you at the right table?

    Are you at the right table?

    In Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose, Tony Hsieh, the former CEO of Zappos, shared how he learned to play poker out of boredom. Poker is not like the other gambling games played in casinos with odds stacked against you. With Poker, you don’t play against the casino. You play against the…

  • Hand Signals for Virtual Meeting

    Hand Signals for Virtual Meeting

    One person asks a question, not even a rhetorical one, followed by an awkward silence.

  • Primary Team

    Primary Team

    In The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick Lencioni tells the story of an executive team. To avoid having the functional leaders be only interested in their own department, the CEO asks them to consider the Leadership Team as their primary team. The idea of a primary team that takes precedence over all the others…

  • Can Software Teams learn from Sporting Teams?

    Can Software Teams learn from Sporting Teams?

    I had the pleasure to have Chris Foley with me to explore the question. Chris is a Principal Systems Design Engineer at Red Hat and a sports coach.

  • Crossed-interviews with Appreciative Inquiry

    Crossed-interviews with Appreciative Inquiry

    In a previous post, I described a great approach to get people to get to know each other a little bit more thanks to a fantastic one-on-one format. Try it, you will see yourself, it is really fantastic! Another approach to get people to know each other is to use Appreciative Inquiry. I used nearly…

  • Psychological Safety

    Psychological Safety

    Psychological Safety is the term coined by Amy Edmondson, the author of The Fearless Organization. I already talked about Psychological Safety, when I presented the work of Google on the project Aristotle, and how it was a very good conversation starter for my team. The two other books I mentioned in that episode of Le…

  • The Advantage of a book discussion club

    The Advantage of a book discussion club

    The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else in Business is a book by Patrick Lencioni. This one is not a business novel, like The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (you may have read that previous post). The book purpose is to explain a model to bring organizational health. I will not enter into the…