Tag: startup

  • Crafting Compelling Investor Update Emails: A Guide for Startup Founders

    Crafting Compelling Investor Update Emails: A Guide for Startup Founders

    Introduction Effective communication with investors is a cornerstone of successful startup management. A well-crafted investor update does more than report facts; it actively engages your backers in your journey. This guide explores how to structure updates that not only inform but also encourage active participation and acknowledgment of investors’ contributions. The Structure of an Effective…

  • Unleashing Leadership Potential: A Conversation with Ali Schultz from Reboot.io

    Unleashing Leadership Potential: A Conversation with Ali Schultz from Reboot.io

    As we navigate the dynamic world of leadership, it’s crucial to uncover the human essence behind the title. This week on Le Podcast on Emerging Leadership, I had the pleasure of delving into this subject with Ali Schultz, co-founder of Reboot.io. Celebrating a decade of transformative coaching and organizational development, Ali brings a wealth of…

  • S.O.H.A

    S.O.H.A. stands for Sentier Open House Apéros… Rendez-vous périodique dont une édition se déroulait hier chez Mounir & Simon dans le Sentier haut lieu du numérique à Paris. Le principe est simple, les participants ont maximum 5 minutes pour «pitcher»… humm… on a aussi parlé international bien sur ;-)… 5 minutes donc pour présenter leur…