Tag: performance

  • The top requirement for high-impact teams

    The top requirement for high-impact teams

    Performance depends on making sure everyone knows what needs to be done.

  • How well managed is your company?

    The median answer to that question is 7 in the World Management Survey. The results on that particular item demonstrate how false perceptions come into play when we are evaluating our own company and our abilities. As discussed in the article, Why do we undervalue competent management,  false perceptions undermines our ability to evaluate how…

  • Annual Performance Review

    Annual Performance Review

    When I present the 14 points of Deming and the 7 deadly diseases of organization, I usually take some points and diseases as a starting point for discussion and thinking. One disease I usually pick is the third one: Evaluation by performance, merit rating, or annual review of performance. People react in a similar way.…

  • Black Box

    Black Box

    The black box in this article are those installed in planes. Those black box allows to analyze what happens during a more or less dramatic incident. Setting an organization where facts are analyzed to improve the system is a defining characteristic of airlines industry. A characteristic that enables an incredible improvement of security. Matthew Syed…

  • En retard au daily scrum

    En retard au daily scrum

    Lors du ScrumBoat qui s’est déroulé le 26 juin 2013 à Paris, un ami m’a présenté 2 nouvelles recrues de sa société, 2 nouveaux “coach agile”. La conversation voguait sur quelques partages d’expériences assez classiques et arriva sur un sujet d’intérêt commun à ces 2 coachs : Comment faire lorsque les personnes sont en retard…