Tag: opensource
What a review!
Emilien Macchi is a Senior Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat. He’s been a contributor to OpenStack since almost its inception as an open-source project. I had the pleasure of having Emilien on Le Podcast to discuss how learning and sharing were essential ways of growing his career in Software Engineering. We covered many topics…
How Agile and Open Source work together in (nearly) perfect harmony
This article is based on the talk I gave for the Red Hat Agile Day in Raleigh on October 11, 2016. The conversation about agile and Open Source usually starts with an interruption in this form: Agile will not work in an Open Source context because… That’s usually how a conversation will start, and that’s…
Libre vs Privateur
Un titre en guise de clin d’oeil à mes amis les Gnus (http://www.gnu.org) ! Beaucoup auraient dit “Libre VS Propriétaire”, mais cette formulation impropre n’aurait probablement pas été plus explicite. De quoi parlons-nous dans cette conversation avec Nick Barcet ? Nous parlons de la comparaison entre logiciel libre et logiciel privateur en terme de nombres de fonctionnalités…