Tag: open source

  • Exploring Leadership and Open Source with Maria Bracho

    Exploring Leadership and Open Source with Maria Bracho

    In the latest episode of Le Podcast on Emerging Leadership, I had the privilege of speaking with Maria Bracho, the Chief Technology Officer for LATAM at Red Hat. With over 20 years of experience directing strategy and delivering innovative solutions across multiple industries, Maria shares her invaluable insights on leadership, open source, and building high-performing…

  • How the Cloud Threatens Open Source and what we can do about it: A Conversation with Daniel Riek

    How the Cloud Threatens Open Source and what we can do about it: A Conversation with Daniel Riek

    The latest episode of the Emerging Leadership Network podcast features an interview with Daniel Riek, who works on special projects and strategy with the CTO at Red Hat. In this episode, Daniel shares his insights on the future of open source in the cloud and the key leadership skills required to succeed in this space.…

  • Emile wants to solve consistency the open source way

    Emile wants to solve consistency the open source way

    Do you remember Igraine from the Primary Team story? Igraine leads the EMEA region of a global company. Bob, Igraine’s manager, told the Field Leadership Team that he wanted to get more consistency from the three main regions and that Igraine, leading EMEA, Yun, leading APAC, and Aileen, leading Americas, should come up with proposals.…

  • Do you want 10x Engineers?

    Do you want 10x Engineers?

    In this episode of Le Podcast, I had the pleasure of discussing with Julien Danjou. Julien has more than 20 years of experience as an open source software hacker. Julien wrote two books about Python. I wanted to ask him about the myth of 10x Engineers and what advice he could have for Engineers who…

  • Contribute to the Success of OpenStack

    Contribute to the Success of OpenStack

    During the OpenStack Summit in Austin, Mark McLoughlin and I delivered a talk titled: “Contribute to the Success of OpenStack”. Our talk was meant to explain how we were inspired by agile values and principles to improve our internal organization, and how we thought it could impact our ability to contribute more effectively to the…

  • What science knows about happiness that could tranform OpenStack

    What science knows about happiness that could tranform OpenStack

    A short article to publish the video recording and the slides of the talk I gave today at the OpenStack summit in Austin.     Header picture is from Ryan McGuire.

  • We trust you

    We trust you

    During Red Hat Summit in Boston this week, a documentary video was showed during the keynote sessions. This video describes the way Penn Manor school district used open source in their education project. Charlie Reisinger is the IT director that lead this openness strategy, also delivered a TEDxTalk in Lancaster to tell the story. I…

  • Bridges and Hierarchy

    Bridges and Hierarchy

    Mark McLoughlin delivered the Red Hat Keynote, on the morning of the second day of the Openstack Summit in Vancouver. During the afternoon, he delivered a more intimate talk about the governance of the Openstack project. The main idea is that, the new Big Tent organization model will allow the emergence of new projects, and…

  • Happiness is Coming

    Happiness is Coming

    I had the great pleasure to deliver the opening keynote of April 17, 2015 of the Drupal Developer Days in Montpellier. The selected theme was Happiness… Here are the slides: And a selection of tweets: In 5 minutes, @alexismonville already make an entire room smile and laugh at #drupaldevdays ! Happiness is at rendez-vous !…

  • 1500 développeurs dans mon équipe

    1500 développeurs dans mon équipe

    1500 développeurs dans mon équipe est le titre de la session que j’ai eu le plaisir de donner lors de l’édition 2014 l’AgileTour à Bordeaux. J’apprends l’agile depuis déjà longtemps en pratiquant et en partageant les valeurs, principes et pratiques avec des clients et d’autres pratiquants. Et c’est peut-être depuis que j’interviens au contact d’Openstack,…

  • ALE 2014 – deuxième et troisième jour

    ALE 2014 – deuxième et troisième jour

    Cet article évoque les deuxième et troisième jour de la non-conférence 2014 du réseau ALE (Agile Lean Europe). Le résumé du premier jour est ici. Ce deuxième jour de la non-conférence ALE 2014, débute par une session par Josef Scherer, Self-designing Feature Teams @BMW. Pour influer sur la culture d’une grande organisation, Josef explique qu’il est nécessaire d’établir une structure…

  • Open Innovation

    Open Innovation

    Ce 12 juin 2014, une annonce d’Elon Musk, le CEO de Tesla Motors, est venue secouer l’écosystème automobile. L’annonce titrée : All Our Patent Are Belong To You, déclarait que toute la technologie développée et brevetée par Tesla,  était à présent disponible pour qui voudrait l’utiliser, de bonne foie, dans l’esprit des projets Open Source. Je n’ai…