Tag: meeting

  • New Experiment for Effective Meetings: Discovery One-on-One

    New Experiment for Effective Meetings: Discovery One-on-One

    Hello, Ever struggled with breaking the ice in meetings with new colleagues or clients? I’m excited to share a unique approach from our book, “I am a Software Engineer and I am in Charge,” that transforms these encounters. 🎯 Introducing: Discovery One-on-One 🤔 What Is It? This is a structured yet flexible approach to prepare…

  • Collaboration by Design with Philippe Coullomb and Charles Collingwood-Boots

    Collaboration by Design with Philippe Coullomb and Charles Collingwood-Boots

    The challenges facing humanity are growing in complexity. Collaboration is offering us to tackle more complexity by getting diverse minds to work together. How to gather people and facilitate successful collaborations?

  • Meeting in Person with Jared Kleinert

    Meeting in Person with Jared Kleinert

    Jared Kleinert is the CEO and Co-Founder of Offsite. He is also the founder of Meeting of the Minds, as well as a TED speaker, 3x award-winning author, and USA Today’s “Most Connected Millennial”.

  • Resolution for the Exhausted

    Resolution for the Exhausted

    What seemed to be a long time ago, I started my first post of the year by telling you that I opened a Gym Club in January and told you what happened to that club in February. More important, you will find in the post mentioned above suggestion to keep up with your resolutions. The…

  • The Art of Gathering

    The Art of Gathering

    I have been asked thousands of times to facilitate small or large gatherings. When I worked on Changing Your Team From The Inside, I wanted to make clear that self-organization is the most powerful way for people to organize, but that based on their history, you will need to help them get there. You will…

  • Town Hall Meeting

    Town Hall Meeting

    The term Town Hall Meeting is often used inside a company to characterize a meeting organized by a highly ranked executive and gathering a large part of the company employees, or even all of them. Usually, the meeting is meant to give a short status on what the executives are working on for the future…

  • The after meeting feedback

    The after meeting feedback

    I usually ask for feedback regularly during the meeting I facilitate. I use several techniques to do so depending if it’s a short feedback before a break or if we have more time at the end of the meeting. One of those techniques is the ROTI, the Return On Time Invested. I ask the participant…

  • The Chimp Paradox

    The Chimp Paradox

    The Chimp Paradox is a book from Steve Peters subtitled: The Science of Mind Management for Success in Business and in Life. I used the model proposed to represent how our brain is working during conferences I gave on the Search for Happiness, and I had some positive feedback. In this article, I would like…