Tag: keynote

  • Keynoting with my wife

    Keynoting with my wife

    I had the great pleasure of giving four keynote speeches this fall. I already told you about the keynote I gave in Bordeaux for AgileTour in this post. The three others are really special to me. We did those addresses with my wife. Comment ça? Certaines de nos croyances peuvent brider notre potentiel? #ATTls19 @isabelmonville…

  • Keynote AgileTour Bordeaux

    On October 30, 2019, I add the pleasure to deliver the keynote for AgileTour Bordeaux. I delivered the keynote titled: What is your real power? in french. The recording and the slides are already available. #atbdx C'est @alexismonville qui relance l'après-midi par une keynote pic.twitter.com/k9JsQESiMX — Chris DENIAUD (@ChrisDENIAUD) October 30, 2019 I also facilitated…

  • Closing Keynote at VoxxedDays Singapore

    The recording of the closing keynote I delivered at VoxxedDays Singapore is published! Let me know what you think! I would be happy to deliver an improved version of this talk for you event 🙂

  • Happiness is Coming

    Happiness is Coming

    I had the great pleasure to deliver the opening keynote of April 17, 2015 of the Drupal Developer Days in Montpellier. The selected theme was Happiness… Here are the slides: And a selection of tweets: In 5 minutes, @alexismonville already make an entire room smile and laugh at #drupaldevdays ! Happiness is at rendez-vous !…

  • ALE2012 – qu’est-ce qu’une keynote ?

    ALE2012 – qu’est-ce qu’une keynote ?

    C’est lors d’une discussion autour d’un verre à la sortie d’ALE que la question a été abordée. Nous partagions nos points de vue sur les Keynotes de l’édition 2012 de la conférence annuelle du réseau Agile Lean Europe (ALE Network). “Nous” ici ce sont Pablo, Duarte, Stephen, Oana et quelques autres… Et c’est avec un…