Tag: feedback

  • How (not) to provide feedback – John Poelstra

    How (not) to provide feedback – John Poelstra

    In this episode of Le Podcast, I had the great pleasure of having John Poelstra to discuss a very personal experience about providing feedback.

  • I still have feedback

    I still have feedback

    I continued to think about feedback and had multiple discussions triggered by the article from the Harvard Business Review: The Feedback Fallacy and my post about it. Thank you, for all those discussions, they are precious. In addition to last week post that you can find below, I would like to add that, yes you…

  • I have some feedback

    I have some feedback

    The fifth chapter of Changing Your Team From The Inside is titled: Care Personally. Why that? Because, at the time I was reviewing the book to prepare its first publication, I read Radical Candor a book by Kim Scott. I changed the quote starting the chapter with this one from Kim Scott: “The meaning of…

  • Care Personally

    Care Personally

    Care personally and challenge directly. That is how Kim Scott defines Radical Candor. At the end of November, I decided that I will offer her book to some of my colleagues. A book is an opportunity for learning through discussions with others. I already discussed the advantage of a book discussion club, and by offering…

  • How do I know my opinion is right?

    How do I know my opinion is right?

    In a meritocracy, the best idea wins. So, how can we design an organization that will enable that?  Ray Dalio propose to use radical transparency, radical truthfulness, and algorithmic decision-making to create the conditions where people can speak up and say what they really think. He shares an example of feedback email he receives after…

  • The after meeting feedback

    The after meeting feedback

    I usually ask for feedback regularly during the meeting I facilitate. I use several techniques to do so depending if it’s a short feedback before a break or if we have more time at the end of the meeting. One of those techniques is the ROTI, the Return On Time Invested. I ask the participant…