Alexis Monville (en)

Tag: engineering

  • Reflecting on Rhythms and Relationships: Insights from Kent Beck at Plato Elevate

    Reflecting on Rhythms and Relationships: Insights from Kent Beck at Plato Elevate

    On November 8, 2023, Kent Beck, an influential software engineering figure and the Agile Manifesto’s original signer, delivered a profound session at the Plato Elevate conference in San Francisco. His talk, titled “What I Learned about Coaching in the Back of an Ambulance,” offered a journey through his illustrious career and the evolution of his…

  • What a Coding Dojo taught me about agile

    What a Coding Dojo taught me about agile

    In their article, What is agile?, Jen Krieger, Daniel Oh, and Matt Takane discuss what we at Red Hat consider the most important sentence of the Agile Manifesto: “We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it.” I like this sentence because it helps to understand why we could apply…

  • Jason’s Thirteen Rules of a Team

    Jason’s Thirteen Rules of a Team

    In this episode of Le Podcast, I had the great pleasure of receiving Jason McKerr. Jason is the Engineering leader for Management and Automation at Red Hat (great things like Ansible, Insights, Satellite…) My objective was to have Jason explain his Thirteen Rules of a Team which I discovered during one mentoring session with one…

  • Do you want 10x Engineers?

    Do you want 10x Engineers?

    In this episode of Le Podcast, I had the pleasure of discussing with Julien Danjou. Julien has more than 20 years of experience as an open source software hacker. Julien wrote two books about Python. I wanted to ask him about the myth of 10x Engineers and what advice he could have for Engineers who…

  • Contribute to the Success of OpenStack

    Contribute to the Success of OpenStack

    During the OpenStack Summit in Austin, Mark McLoughlin and I delivered a talk titled: “Contribute to the Success of OpenStack”. Our talk was meant to explain how we were inspired by agile values and principles to improve our internal organization, and how we thought it could impact our ability to contribute more effectively to the…