Tag: coaching

  • Reflecting on Rhythms and Relationships: Insights from Kent Beck at Plato Elevate

    Reflecting on Rhythms and Relationships: Insights from Kent Beck at Plato Elevate

    On November 8, 2023, Kent Beck, an influential software engineering figure and the Agile Manifesto’s original signer, delivered a profound session at the Plato Elevate conference in San Francisco. His talk, titled “What I Learned about Coaching in the Back of an Ambulance,” offered a journey through his illustrious career and the evolution of his…

  • Unleashing Leadership Potential: A Conversation with Ali Schultz from Reboot.io

    Unleashing Leadership Potential: A Conversation with Ali Schultz from Reboot.io

    As we navigate the dynamic world of leadership, it’s crucial to uncover the human essence behind the title. This week on Le Podcast on Emerging Leadership, I had the pleasure of delving into this subject with Ali Schultz, co-founder of Reboot.io. Celebrating a decade of transformative coaching and organizational development, Ali brings a wealth of…

  • Ask Better Questions

    Ask Better Questions

    👋 Hello Software Engineers, Team Leaders, and Problem Solvers!Ever found yourself jumping to solutions before fully understanding a problem? We all have. That’s why today, I want to share another gem from my book, “I am a Software Engineer and I am in Charge,” co-authored with Michael Doyle. 🎯 Introducing: Ask Better Questions 🤔 What Is…

  • The Coaching Habit

    The Coaching Habit

    The Coaching Habit is a book by Michael Bungay Stanier (aka MBS). In telling you about the book, I feel I am giving away many of my secrets. But, yeap, they are not mine. The subtitle is: “Say Less, Ask More and Change the Way You Lead Forever.” It is just perfectly telling everything. The…

  • The Gift of Play with Portia Tung

    The Gift of Play with Portia Tung

    Portia Tung is an Executive & Personal Coach, an Executive Agile Coach, a Play Researcher, and a Keynote Speaker. I had the pleasure to have her on Le Podcast for an amazing episode on the gift of play.

  • Can Software Teams learn from Sporting Teams?

    Can Software Teams learn from Sporting Teams?

    I had the pleasure to have Chris Foley with me to explore the question. Chris is a Principal Systems Design Engineer at Red Hat and a sports coach.

  • Human-Centric Agility Coaching

    Human-Centric Agility Coaching

    Geof Ellingham, Business agility champion and leadership coach, gave his insights about Agile Coaching in this new episode of Le Podcast.

  • A live coaching session with John Poelstra and Michael Doyle

    A live coaching session with John Poelstra and Michael Doyle

    A few months back, I was on The John Poelstra Show to discuss my book Changing Your Team From The Inside. A few weeks back, I also advertised how John Poelstra and Michael Doyle, discussed Ego is the Enemy during one of the episodes of the show. I love working with John and Michael. They…

  • Grow your questioning skills

    We tend to want to solve the problems, even when we know that it is much better to help people to find their own solutions. I received several questions about the need to listen, and the need to ask better questions. Looking for a simple way to explain how it works, I used the GROW…

  • Club de Lecture

    Club de Lecture

    Une session du Club de Lecture de Bordeaux s’est déroulée ce samedi 28 mars 2015, de 10h30 à 12h00. L’idée de proposer cette session m’était venu suite à la participation au club de Toulouse que j’ai raconté ici. 1er RDV du Club de lecture #Bordeaux initié par @alexismonville avec le livre #management #workout de @jurgenappelo…

  • Coaching gagnant

    Coaching gagnant

    Le CJD Arcachon accueillait pour sa plénière du 24 avril, Philippe Presti, le coach de l’équipe Oracle USA, vainqueur de la coupe de l’America cette année. Philippe Presti a raconté comment l’équipe, en position de défendre son titre face au challenger de Nouvelle Zélande, semblait avoir perdue, était menée 8 à 1 (le premier à…

  • Coaching Agile

    Coaching Agile

    Coaching Agile, le livre de référence de Rachel Davies et Liz Sedley est enfin traduit en français grace à Fabrice Aimetti. Fabrice est connu pour ses nombreuses traductions d’articles et d’ouvrages traitant du coaching, des méthodes agiles, du lean et plus généralement de ce qui touche aux organisations et aux personnes. Coaching Agile présente les…