Tag: AgileGames2019

  • Agile Games New England 2019

    Agile Games New England 2019

    In two previous posts, OKRs! OK What?, and The worst presentation ever, I covered sessions proposed during the Open Space on the third day of Agile Games 2019. In this post, I would like to highlight the other sessions in which I found interesting “nuggets”, to use a term that my friend and colleague, Matt…

  • OKRs! OK What?

    OKRs! OK What?

    OKRs! OK, What? Joseph Contreras, Scrum Master at Fidelity, proposed this Open Space session on the third day of Agile Games 2019. Joseph invited the participants to contribute to a short presentation of what Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) are. In a nutshell, Objectives are where we want to go, and Key Results tell us…

  • The worst presentation ever

    The worst presentation ever

    Last week, I attended Agile Games New England. The last day of the conference uses Open Space Technology which is the best way to organize and run a conference. With an Open Space, all attendees are active participants. They define the program and choose which sessions to contribute. They also have the freedom to leave…