Alexis Monville (en)

Category: General

  • The Advantage of a book discussion club

    The Advantage of a book discussion club

    The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else in Business is a book by Patrick Lencioni. This one is not a business novel, like The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (you may have read that previous post). The book purpose is to explain a model to bring organizational health. I will not enter into the…

  • Organization Maturity Model

    Organization Maturity Model

    The publication of the Open Organization Maturity Model reminded me that we had the goal to use a similar approach. Why do we want to use a maturity model? A maturity model is, as said on Wikipedia, “a measurement of the ability of an organization for continuous improvement in a particular discipline”. So, our goal…

  • The Evolution of Trust

    The Evolution of Trust

    When forming a team, or starting to work with a team, I usually start with the foundation of a team: Trust. I even used several times, the book from Patrick Lencioni: The Five Dysfunction of a Team, obviously because the “Absence of Trust” is the base of the pyramid. I remember playing 2 times, with…

  • Managing Time

    Managing Time

    When I searched for “time management” on google this morning, there were 238,000,000 results. So, we could consider that it’s not necessarily useful to add one more. A quick look at the first page of results, and we can already see divergent opinions. From the rigid daily structure to the statement that time management is…

  • Team Identity

    Team Identity

    The sense of belonging is an important experience to have. Belonging means that we are accepted as part of, as a member of the group, the team, the company. We want to be part of a team because what defines the team identity is appealing to us. The team is defined by its vision and…

  • Town Hall Meeting

    Town Hall Meeting

    The term Town Hall Meeting is often used inside a company to characterize a meeting organized by a highly ranked executive and gathering a large part of the company employees, or even all of them. Usually, the meeting is meant to give a short status on what the executives are working on for the future…

  • Why Transformation Efforts Fail?

    Why Transformation Efforts Fail?

    Thanks to a push email from Harvard Business Review, and discussions around ongoing transformation efforts, I read again an old article from John Kotter: Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail. The first lesson is that change is not an event, it’s a process. The second lesson is that change takes time, and not following the…

  • Fight Club Retrospective

    Fight Club Retrospective

    You probably remember the first 2 rules of Fight Club, right? Let’s review the rules: “Welcome to Fight Club. The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is: you DO NOT talk about Fight Club! Third rule of Fight Club: if someone yells…

  • How to measure our life?

    How to measure our life?

    A colleague recommended me to look at the work of Clayton Christensen. This is an article to encourage you to do the same. We are living in a nested system. In the world, there are nations, and in nations, there are corporations. In corporations, there are business unit, in which there are teams. And in…

  • How to start when managers are stuck in uncertainty and fear

    How to start when managers are stuck in uncertainty and fear

    How to start when managers are stuck in uncertainty and fea? That was the question I asked to my peers that participate to the Happy Melly Coffee. This was the first day I was able to participate to the Happy Melly Coffee since when I moved to Boston. Uncertainty and Fear were the main questions.…