A few months back, I was on The John Poelstra Show to discuss my book Changing Your Team From The Inside. A few weeks back, I also advertised how John Poelstra and Michael Doyle, discussed Ego is the Enemy during one of the episodes of the show.
I love working with John and Michael. They are both great coaches. We are well distributed over the globe, Michael is in Brisbane, Australia, and John is in Portland, Oregon, USA. They helped me reviewing my book to prepare the version 2.0 that should be available soon. In whatever form you bought the book, you have unlimited access to the updates of the electronic version. If you don’t know how to access it, drop me a note at alexis@monville.com. A side note to say that we can do meaningful work even when we are a few timezones away (I am based in Boston).
This week John and Michael did something crazy!
Have you ever wondered how a coaching session could work? How could it be beneficial to someone?
They recorded one coaching session focused on finding your values.
The result is amazing. In the episode, you will find why value matters and how to find them.
You will also notice the value of the coaching process. When the coachee think he has a good understanding, he believes he is now ready to do some work by himself. John finds his way to go just a step further to create a commitment that will ensure that the coachee will be able to make productive work on himself after the session.
Featured image is by Ryan McGuire
3 responses to “A live coaching session with John Poelstra and Michael Doyle”
Added the coaching session episode to listen to this week and am looking forward to Version 2.0 of your book
Thank you, Og!
[…] I want also to address a very special thank you to John Poelstra and Michael Doyle, two amazing coaches who helped me in the revision process. Learn more about them and how a coaching session works by listening to this episode of the podcast. […]