Introducing: Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

👋 Hello Software Engineers, Team Leaders, and Visionaries!

Do you have ambitious goals but struggle to make measurable progress toward them? Today, I’m excited to share another impactful practice from my book, “I am a Software Engineer and I am in Charge,” co-authored with Michael Doyle.

🎯 Introducing: Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

🤔 What Is It? OKRs are a goal-setting approach that focuses on the impact you want to make. It’s all about defining objectives and measurable key results that guide your actions.

🌟 Why Use It? Big goals can be daunting. OKRs break them down into smaller, achievable steps, making progress visible and motivating. It’s based on the “Progress Principle,” which fuels your momentum toward realizing your vision.

👣 How to Get Started

1️⃣ Vision: Define your ambitious, long-term vision.

Example: “We are a happy family.”

2️⃣ Objectives: Set up to three objectives that are ambitious and qualitative.

Example: “We host a wonderful barbecue party.”

3️⃣ Stakeholders: Identify who could make or break your success.

Example: Guests, family, mosquitoes.

4️⃣ Behavioral Changes: Determine the behavior you want from each stakeholder.

Example: “Mosquitoes don’t bite anyone.”

5️⃣ Key Results: Define measurable outcomes.

Example: “Nobody has been bitten by a mosquito during the party.”

📝 Note: OKRs are a living document. Don’t expect to get them perfect on your first try. Keep refining them as you go.

🔄 Why It Matters OKRs provide a structured way to turn your vision into reality. They keep you focused and aligned, making your journey toward your goals more effective and fulfilling.

📚 Curious to learn more? This is just one of the 18 practices we cover in our book. Check it out at I am in Charge.

👇 Have you used OKRs before? What was your experience? Share your thoughts!