It took a few month to get to the second version of the book, Changing Your Team From The Inside.

The paperback version is available on Lulu and the electronic version is on Leanpub. The new version of the book will be available on Amazon in a few days, keep in mind that Amazon takes a 70% cut on books over $9.99 🙂

A big thank you to all the readers who provided feedback during the last months. It helped me to make that second version much better!

I want also to address a very special thank you to John Poelstra and Michael Doyle, two amazing coaches who helped me in the revision process. Learn more about them and how a coaching session works by listening to this episode of the podcast.



2 responses to “Version 2 of the book is available”

  1. Og Maciel Avatar
    Og Maciel

    Congrats on the update! Looking forward to refreshing my copy from Amazon 🙂

    1. Thank you 🙂