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Where can I find the electronic version of the book?

The electronic version of the book is available in pdf, epub and mobi format on Leanpub, and in kdp format on Amazon.

I bought the paperback version of the book. How can I download the electronic version?

Lulu is not able to distribute the electronic version in all the different format along with the paperback version. Therefore once you purchased your paperback copy, forward me your receipt and I will send you a coupon to get the electronic version for free on Leanpub.

Are you available for speaking or consulting engagement?

I regularly speak to companies and other organizations. Let’s discuss this over email.

My team is larger than 20 people. How can I get a license for more than 20 team members?

Let’s discuss this over email.

Where can I read reviews or leave a review for the book?

Please read or leave reviews on GoodReads.com.

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Two RSS feeds are available one for the articles in French, and one for the articles in English.

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The slides are usually published on Slideshare after public conferences.

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