Alexis Monville (en)

Time flies and I wanted to tell you a few things about success

One of the last chapters of Changing Your Team From The Inside is about success. Specifically about measuring success. In that chapter, I relate how a team started to adopt OKRs. While I was reviewing that chapter, John Doerr published Measure What Matters, and I rushed to read the book as I wanted to check my knowledge with someone who inspired Google and a lot of other companies to use OKRs.

One of the readers of the book told me that I should have started the book by that chapter, and I have to admit that I hesitated to change the order to have the opportunity to figure the quote from Clayton M. Christensen which is coming from How Will You Measure Your Life?

Last month, someone recommended me to read Radical Focus by Christina Wodtke. The book starts with a business novel and goes through the process of defining and using OKRs. This is a very short book that I recommend if you are interested in achieving your goals with your team. I also suggested the book to one book club, and we start the discussion on that book tomorrow! I am eager to hear what are the perspectives of the other readers.

Focus is one of the key factors highlighted by Richard St John in his 3-minute TEDTalk from 2007.

After The top requirement for high-impact teams, and Could your team be managing itself? I published What a Coding Dojo taught me about agile on In the article, I go back to why It’s essential to value individuals and interactions over processes and tools, also known as the first value of the agile manifesto. The article made it to the top 10 this week. Thank you for your support, I really appreciate your comments, likes, and shares!

I want to finish that newsletter with a big thank you to John Poelstra and Lisette Sutherland. I enjoyed the podcasts recorded with them!

As usual, I will be happy to hear from you, please answer to that message, or send me a message on Twitter or LinkedIn. I will be glad to answer your questions or read your feedback.

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PS: I will be traveling to Germany, Switzerland, and France starting at the end of the week. I will speak at a meetup organized by the CARA in Lyon on November 12, and at agile conferences: Agile Grenoble on November 14 and 15, and at Agile Rennes on November 23 and 24. Add the sessions to your agenda!





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